Hi, here is a story by Ken Schram of KOMO worth checking out. Here’s what he has to say:
There are more than 1,200 men and women working as Seattle Police Officers.
In the course of a year, they will have dealings with anywhere from 250,000 to half a million people.
They track down robbers and rapists.
They go after child molesters and drug dealers.
Police arrest those who abuse their spouses and partners and those who assault, stab, shoot and murder our family and friends.
I bring this up because of a protest over the weekend; a protest during which one person referred to Seattle Police as “…the worst gang in Seattle.”
There has been a scattering of violent confrontations with police that I think has clouded the judgment of some people; instances in which the conduct of a very few officers has been called into question and then used to make sweeping generalizations of all police.
Investigations into those confrontations have not yet been completed, and yet there are those who rush to judgment and in a shallow voice proclaim that Seattle police are “…the worst gang in Seattle.”
Allegations of police misconduct should always be taken seriously.
What can never be taken seriously is the voice of the reactionary idiot who doesn’t like cops until they need one.