Posts filed under “Rememberances”
A Personal Discovery
In early 2010, I embarked on creating my book “Keeping a Blue Light On: A Citizen’s Tribute to the Seattle Police Department.” The inspiration to do it was to honor the five Seattle-area police officers who had been gunned down in late 2009, officers who were killed in the line of duty because they were […]
Anniversary of Officer Brenton’s murder
I wanted to share this photo I took of SPD Officer Ryan Gallagher at SPD Officer Timothy Brenton’s memorial. Tomorrow, 10.31.13, will be the four-year anniversary of Officer Brenton’s murder. I lived in NYC during 9/11. Often, for me, it is on the night before the anniversary that I feel my most anxious and sad […]
Remembering the Lakewood Police Officers
Remembering Lakewood Officers, Officer Tina Griswold, Officer Ronald Owens, Sgt. Mark Renninger and Officer Gregory Richards, whom we lost three years ago today. End Of Watch November 29, 2009. Gone But Not Forgotten. Thoughts and prayers to their families, friends, and fellow officers. It was this tragedy combined with losing Officer Brenton less than a […]
In Memory of Officer Brenton
Remembering Seattle Police Officer Timothy Brenton who was murdered three years ago today while sitting in his patrol car following a routine traffic stop. End of Watch: October 31, 2009. Gone But Not Forgotten.