Officer Becky Miller
20 Years On
Current: Patrol
Is there anyone in particular that you remember from patrol?
There was one young man I got to know a little. I’d met him on the street hanging out by a kids’ shelter. He’d talk to me about my car and things. Two months later, I went to a shoplift call and there he was. I said, “I can’t believe that you would do this. You were getting along just fine. You broke the law.”
He went to court and got everything properly done. He felt bad. Next I knew, he was coming to me trying to prove to me that he wasn’t a bad kid. And he wasn’t a bad kid. His mom was in a mental hospital. He didn’t know who his dad was. He was a ward of the state. He just wanted guidance and discipline from me. He craved that. Last time I saw him, I gave him a birthday present. Because of the shoplift arrest, I found out when his birthday was and I got him some McDonald’s gift cards because he never knew whether he was going to eat or not. I told him those were for him to wish him a happy birthday. I don’t know where he is. He’s probably 20 now. For all I know, he’s doing well. Maybe he got a job. All I can do is pray he’s in a good spot.
What do your own kids think of your job?
I have 8- and 10-year-old boys. I remember the first time my older son ever really noticed about my work. I got home and he goes, “Mom, did you go to work today?” I said yes. He said, “Did you chase the bad guys?” I said yes. I was wondering where this was going. And he said, “Did you catch them?” And I said yes. And he said, “Did you spank them?” And I just died laughing. After that, every bad guy that I arrested and put handcuffs on, I thought to myself, now it’s time for your spanking. Of course, I didn’t say that!